Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Glasses Anyone?

I wanted to write a blog to put under the medical section for blogging, but I haven’t had the opportunity to go to the medical clinic yet, so I decided to write about the medical brigade that I did get to help out with in the little town of Duyure. When I got to work at the medical brigade my job was to test and fit people for glasses. It was an interesting procedure because I know only a little Spanishand I was working with one of the Honduran people who only knew a few words in English, but between the two of us we got the job done and got glasses handed out to so many of the people who needed them in Duyure. Many of the people just needed simple reading glasses for tasks such as sewing, but it was amazing how much a pair of glasses seemed to excite many of them. One specific time I remember a little old man who was so happy to be able to see clearly that he kept hugging me saying “God Bless You” in Spanish. Not all of the people were near as elated as he was, but I think most of them were very appreciative of their glasses, and it felt good to be able to do something to serve their immediate care.


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