Friday, June 6, 2008

Kyle Week 2.2: The tip of the needle!

I started asking to many questions today in the clinic, and I paid for it. One of the girls that was with me, Jaclyn, had given shots before so Dr. Javier let her give a lady two shots, one in each cheek (not the ones you smile with). I got to watch, but he wouldn't let me give one until Jaclyn showed me how. Afterwards I started asking questions about how to know if the needle hits a blood vein. Javier explained it once to me but when I asked again he smiled and said, "I'll show you!" He walked out of the room and I looked at Jaclyn and said, "I hope he is not going to do what I think he is going to do."
He walked in with a syringe, a cotton swab and a rubber band. I laughed in disbelief.
He tied the rubber band above my elbow, and started swabbing my forearm.
"If you hit a blood vein, it will look like this!" he said, sticking the needle in my arm right into a vein. Sure enough blood came into the syringe, just like it was supposed to.
I still couldn't believe that he had actually stuck me.
And neither could the slack jawed ten year old that had been sitting in the office room watching the entire procedure.
If the doctor stuck an American with a needle who wasn't even sick, what other horrors could be possible?
While Javier was laughing at me putting a band-aid on my arm, I accused him of being a sadist. He speaks English well enough to understand and he countered, "No, I am a masochist!"
Sure enough when all of the patients for the day were finished, he owned up and let me do the same thing to him, talking me through the entire process of drawing blood.
It was pretty awesome. I found the vein first try. Nailed it. Drew a few milliliters of blood and pulled it out.
Only outside of America, could things like this happen. Unbelieveable. Interns, giving shots, volunteering themselves to be stuck, drawing blood from the doctor himself!

I'm loving it. Hope this doesn't get anyone in trouble.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Funny story...tell us more!