Thursday, July 10, 2008


Last week was a good week here in Honduras.  About thirty people from the U.S. came for the second medical brigade of the year.  However this brigade was on a much larger scale.  The group included three doctors, a physician's assistant, two nurse practitioners, a dentist, and an optometrist, and several others who assisted in translating and other areas needed.  As an intern, I got to hang out Dr. Walter, one of the doctors, Susanne, the physicians assistant, and Milly and Christie, the nurse practitioners.  The group was awesome and I enjoyed every minute that we got to spend with them.  I could go on and on about things we saw, did and learned including skin ulcers, infected toenails, and pulling teeth.  But most importantly, last week I saw professionals from the U.S. who were willing to sacrifice their time and money to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Most of the people from Duyure are very poor and rarely receive medial treatment.  Last week, over 900 people were able to see the doctor, dentist, and optometrist to receive the care they needed.  As I reflect on last week, I can only pray that when I become a doctor I will be willing to do like the one's mentioned and sacrifice my time to help those less fortunate than me.  

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